The 540WMain Gentrification Conference planning committee held its inaugural mini conference on March 24, 2018 at the 441 Ministries Community Room on Parsells Ave. 


This inaugural mini conference was highly anticipated and attended by over 50 community members, residents, and leaders. The conference was sold out and throughout the four hours community members were treated to candid discussions and mini presentations on gentrification, what it means, what is has done to past Rochester, implications for future Rochester, and personal actions to improve housing access and home ownership for all.

The conference was moderated by 540WMain Executive Director Calvin Eaton and featured a expert panel of community leaders and activists passionate about making Rochester safe and accessible for all that included:
    1. Ray Ray Mitrano, Art Activist
    2. Diane Brunson, NACA
    3. Paul Whitehouse, 441 Ministries
    4. Jo Difiore, City Roots Community Land Trust
    5. Michael Patterson, Rochester City Council
    6. Ryan Acuff, Tenants Union